Monday, June 3, 2024

A potential treatment strategy involving the mitochondria

Dr. Rober Naviaux discusses a potential new treatment for autism with a focus on the mitochondria

Credit to: KSAT 12

Credit to: Open medicine Foundation

Suramin is 100 years old and is still being used to treat the first stage of acute human sleeping sickness, caused by Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. Suramin is a multifunctional molecule with a wide array of potential applications, from parasitic and viral diseases to cancer, snakebite, and autism.

African trypanosomiasis, also known as African sleeping sickness or simply sleeping sickness, is an insect-borne parasitic infection of humans and other animals.[3] It is caused by the species Trypanosoma brucei.[3] Humans are infected by two types, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (TbG) and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (TbR).[3] TbG causes over 92% of reported cases.[1] Both are usually transmitted by the bite of an infected tsetse fly and are most common in rural areas.[3]

What does suramin do for autism?
Background. There is a critical need for effective treatment of the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The purinergic antagonist suramin may improve core symptoms through restoration of normal mitochondrial function and reduction of neuro-inflammation via its known antagonism of P2X and P2Y receptors.Nov 6, 2023

The core structure of suramin typically consists of a guanidine moiety linked to a hydroxyapatite molecule through a glycoprotein chain. 

Suramin is a medication that is typically used to treat African trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness, which is a parasitic disease caused by the Trypanosoma parasite. It is not approved for the treatment of autism or other neurodevelopmental disorders, and it is not widely available for purchase in the United States.

Suramin has been used for many years as a medication for treating trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness, which is a parasitic disease caused by the Trypanosoma parasite. It works by inhibiting the growth of the parasite and preventing it from multiplying in the body.

In recent years, suramin has been investigated as a potential treatment for various neurological disorders, including autism spectrum disorder. However, more research is needed to fully understand its mechanism of action and to determine whether it is safe and effective for treating these conditions

Credit to: AI chat

This is for research purposes only, I am not a doctor, please consult your own doctor and do your own research.

Click more about me on this page 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

MTHFR - a debate on Folate and how this is linked to autism plus other health issues


I would like to delve into the topic of healing a mutation versus supporting it indefinitely, and whether this is a feasible option.

Did you know that MTHFR is linked to schizophrenia, biopolar disorder, depression, autism, and ADHD?

A small recap of my first blog, we discovered the MTHFR is an enzyme that no longer works properly causing a gene mutation, or so this is what science supports. This mutation led us back to the dna. This also posed the question as to why the enzyme failed to begin with.

In an effort to gather different views on this subject, I reached out to multiple MTHFR Facebook groups, asking if anyone had attempted stem cell therapy to address a mutation. If so, were there any positive or negative outcomes observed. However, I was met with resistance from some of the admin’s, leaving me to ponder why this was not allowed to be asked, despite the prevalence of stem cell therapy in the USA.

A significant challenge in the medical field is the lack of clear and definitive information. Why is there not a straightforward answer regarding which supplement(s) can support this pathway effectively?

One of the most debated supplements in relation to this cycle is folate, and the various forms it can take, such as folic acid, folonic acid, vitamin B9 (folic acid), dihydrofolate (DHF), tetrahydrofolate (THF), 5, 10-methylenetetrahydrofolate (5, 10-MTHF), and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF).

I came across an interesting article from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) regarding Folic Acid, which states: "You might have read or heard that folic acid is not safe if you have one or two copies of the MTHFR C677T variant. This is not true. Even if you have one or two copies of the MTHFR C677T variant, your body can safely and effectively process all different types of folate, including folic acid." I have posted this link below.

So what does variant mean, "variant" refers to a specific genetic variation or mutation that affects the MTHFR gene. So, having "one or two copies of the MTHFR C677T variant" means having a particular genetic mutation in the MTHFR gene.

I have found myself questioning everything, especially in science and if it is indeed a gene mutation? I came across one doctor who states the MTHFR is just a Riboflavin deficiency; could it possibly be that simple? I have posted Dr. Chris Masterjohn you tube video below.

I have personally tried various forms of folate at the correct dosages that was prescriped from a physcian, including folic acid, with no significant changes observed. It is essential to recognize that other supplements, such as vitamin B's, glutathione (reduced glutathione), and SamE, are also highly recommended for this cycle. Glutathione has become another debated supplement that must be discussed at a later time.

Dr. Richard E Frye's video on Folate Metabolism, Mitochondrial Disease, and Autism discusses scientific studies that have been conducted to determine the absorption percentage of folic acid and its ability to reach the nervous system. Dr. Frye advises against purchasing folic acid over the counter due to additives and inadequate dosages.

I encourage you to watch Dr. Frye's video for valuable insights into folic acid and folate metabolism. I am not endorsing any specific videos or forms of folate. I feel there is much we still are not aware of pertaining to this topic.

Please consult with your own healthcare provider for personalized medical advice. This information is based on my own personal journey.

Numerous studies have found that dysfunction in the MTHFR pathway can lead to elevated homocystein levels, which in turn may contribute to increased risk of brain damage. Professionals have recommended supporting this pathway as a preventive measure against further brain damage. Additionally, research indicates that imbalanced homocystein levels can result in various health issues, highlighting the importance of maintaining proper balance in the body.

This article may contain some thoughts, opionions, research and studies from Autism Granny.

 Your Feedback on your experiences with folate supplementation is welcome and appreciated.  

Please be mindful of other opinions and views, as we all aware that everyone’s body can react differently to supplements.

Make sure and click the follow button for future blogs.

Dr. Richard E Frye

Dr. Chris Masterjohn,depression%2C%20autism%2C%20and%20ADHD.



Saturday, March 16, 2024



After years of frustration and disappointment with the lack of answers from medical professionals, I took matters into my own hands. Through hours of research and learning, I discovered the importance of understanding what is happening inside of our bodies, specifically focusing today on the failing "MTHFR" pathway.

This journey of self-education led me to realize that our bodies are like little nuclear power plants, with trillions of chemical reactions happening daily to sustain life. When these pathways fail, it can have a domino effect on the other pathways in the body.

It became clear to me that simply addressing gut health with nutrition and supplements wasn't getting to the root cause of the issue. In another blog post, I'll talk about the importance of gut health and why it is important to keep supporting it for overall well-being.

So what is an MTHFR mutation? Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) is an enzyme that breaks down the amino acid homocysteine. If the MTHFR gene that codes for this enzyme mutates, it may contribute to a variety of health conditions ranging from depression to some cancers.

Now we understand this is not just a failed MTHFR pathway, but it is also a gene mutation. We need to trace the root back to see why this gene failed. Genetic mutations can be caused by environmental exposures, UV radiation, genetic damages or changes, or errors during replication. Also, I have read if both parents are having this issue then it could be passed down to the next generation.

So now I began to ponder another question, if the body can rebuild itself in seven years, then why are we still dealing with a failing pathway? This will be a conversation for another blog as I was able to discover the answer.

This specific genetic mutation can cause a variety of major health issues, such as hormone levels, neurotransmitter function, digestion, cardiovascular and cholesterol levels and much more.

I strongly believe that this mutation plays a significant role in constipation issues that many children face.

Genes are segments of DNA that provide instructions for the body to function. Knowing this, it appears that the root goes as deep as it can possibly go, to the DNA!

I believe our autistic children were severely damaged, along with other people in society, who may not realize they too are also struggling with this same issue.

The MTHFR is a major pathway for detoxification as it rids the body of toxins, waste, heavy metals, microorganisms, excess fluids, free radicals and more.

The professionals I spoke with recommended glutathione and the cofactors (vitamins) that support this pathway and after speaking with a professional at a stem cell clinic, if this pathway is not supported it will continue to cause further brain damage.

Why not fix the mutated gene? What would this look like? In my research, I explored three possible aspects but unfortunately I can only discuss two in this blog post.

After consulting with a clinic in the USA, it became apparent that gene therapy was not yielding positive results for this condition, whereas stem cell therapy showed success for some.

I personally underwent stem cell therapy three times and observed positive outcomes with one clinic. It's crucial to recognize that not all clinics provide the same level of care. I will delve deeper into this topic in another blog post.

During my stem cell treatments, I was unaware of the MTHFR gene mutation and therefore did not receive specific stem cell therapy targeting this mutation.

Prior to considering stem cell procedures, it's essential to gather relevant information. For example, one critical aspect to consider is the necessity to eliminate sugar consumption before and after the procedure as it may impair the effectiveness of stem cell therapy.

I encourage you to conduct your own research and explore the various options available to you. The insights I share in my blogs are personal reflections, and I'm not providing specific recommendations.

In my quest to find solutions and answers, I have come to understand the importance of addressing and repairing the failing MTHFR pathway to alleviate the multitude of health issues it can cause. By shedding light on this complex issue, I hope to empower others to take control of their health and well-being.

Autism Granny has researched over ten years and some of this information may have been derived from specialist, research, study classes, experiences etc.,%2C%20cholesterol%20levels%2C%20and%20more.,during%20the%20process%20of%20replication


Friday, March 15, 2024

A search for solutions and understanding


My journey starts with recognizing the multitude of titles held by individuals, including doctors and specialists in various fields.

My research expanded to several different experts such as chemist doctors, chiropractors, geneticists, naturopaths, homeopaths, herbalists, and more.

I am confident that I have thoroughly explored all avenues, as these are only a few examples.

I delved into numerous Facebook groups and websites, seeking guidance from other mothers who claimed to have discovered miraculous solutions.

In addition to professionals such as nutritionists and homeopathy dentists, I also explored alternative therapies such as the Son-Rise Program and treatments involving stem cells.

Throughout this journey, I uncovered valuable pieces of information that I believe should be shared.

Despite consulting with a wide range of experts, I began to notice conflicting opinions and wondered about the reasons behind this disparity.

This only motivated me to delve even deeper into discovering new things that I had never come across before.

My goal is to provide a simplified explanation of my journey and the insights I gained.

I have longed to share this information for years, and I am thrilled that the moment has come.

Please pass along any valuable information to friends and family members facing similar challenges.

I have come to realize that whether one is autistic or not, many people are dealing with similar issues.

A potential treatment strategy involving the mitochondria

Dr. Rober Naviaux discusses a potential new treatment for autism with a focus on the mitochondria